Pro Se Mediation
Pro Se Mediation is a process without attorneys. The parties meet with a trained mediator who acts as a neutral third party. The Mediator encourages and facilitates the resolution of disputes between the parties. It is an informal and non-adversarial process with the objective of helping the parties reach a mutually acceptable and voluntary agreement. In mediation, the decision-making authority rests with the parties. The role of the mediator includes assisting the parties in identifying issues, fostering joint problem solving and exploring settlement alternatives. For a more detailed account of the actual mediation process, please see the information contained throughout the website or call Michelle Kohn for a free 15-minute consultation to learn more about mediation.
Pro Se Mediation is a process without attorneys. The parties meet with a trained mediator who acts as a neutral third party who encourages and facilitates the resolution of disputes between the parties. It is an informal and nonadversarial process with the objective

- 850 NW Federal Highway Suite 456, Stuart, FL 34994